Client: Lucky Town Brewing Co. | Service: Video

If there is one piece of advice I could give to any company, in any industry, it is this:


Sorry for yelling, but man, nobody wants to do business with a boring, bland, and cold corporation. Sadly, Lucky Town is no longer with us, but they certainly understood how to be a brand with personality. A few years ago, I was lucky (wink) enough to spend the day with them making this video to show off their products, their process, and, you guessed it, their personality.

Lucky Town, Mississippi misses you, but you’re not forgotten.


This video was produced during my time at
Mabus Agency. I'm forever grateful for my time on the team there. You won't find better people or more capable creatives. Mabus Agency has now become one of the premiere banking agencies in the nation. Go ahead and try to find a better one, I'll wait....


Palmer Home | Video


Blue Delta Jeans | Video (Pete Bevacqua)